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There is no better way to communicate love than through our craft.
Below is part of mine.
Inquire for more details in the Contact Section.

Equilibrium; from darkness to light
30 x 40 inches
Medium: Acrylic paint
Hardships are opportunities to recognize where we choose to change.
Transform what no longer resonates.
Hold ourselves accountable in times we fear to face.
We all have egos because without them we wouldn’t walk the
We would be enlightened and never learn.
When we learn from pain it means we are being challenged to
improve, grow.
Finding acceptance in that is the greatest blessing.
Pain is inevitable at times although it is what we do with
it that dictates our state of peace.
Medium: Acrylic paint
Hardships are opportunities to recognize where we choose to change.
Transform what no longer resonates.
Hold ourselves accountable in times we fear to face.
We all have egos because without them we wouldn’t walk the
We would be enlightened and never learn.
When we learn from pain it means we are being challenged to
improve, grow.
Finding acceptance in that is the greatest blessing.
Pain is inevitable at times although it is what we do with
it that dictates our state of peace.

Totem Of Existence
18 x 24 inches
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Health is determined by our capacity to be vulnerable with ourselves and, therefore, with the world.
It creates authentic communication, which opens the doors to our true selves—the ones that know we are deserving of love instead of fear.
Disease comes from a lack of communication between the body, mind, and soul. Over a period of time it is projected onto our environment.
This drawing represents a symbol of existence. All elements that allow us to unite, bring life.
Through water, ether, air, fire, and earth, we share love.
We are equally deserving of receiving it.
We are simply not equally equipped to receive it.
When there is a will, there is a way.
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Health is determined by our capacity to be vulnerable with ourselves and, therefore, with the world.
It creates authentic communication, which opens the doors to our true selves—the ones that know we are deserving of love instead of fear.
Disease comes from a lack of communication between the body, mind, and soul. Over a period of time it is projected onto our environment.
This drawing represents a symbol of existence. All elements that allow us to unite, bring life.
Through water, ether, air, fire, and earth, we share love.
We are equally deserving of receiving it.
We are simply not equally equipped to receive it.
When there is a will, there is a way.

Waterbase Soul (Sold)
36 x 36 inches
Acrylic Paint
Acrylic Paint

I am, Being (Sold)
18 x 24 inches
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Many people know concepts in theory. They comprehend how to vocalize ideas, but very few know how to translate those thoughts into their environment. This causes distrust on a global level. This hypocrisy is not an individual error; it is a societal one. We have created a society that does not correspond to our fundamental needs. Therefore, we lack the tools to understand the intention behind our actions. Feeling our environment is interacting with the awareness of a moment; it is understanding our definition of success instead of the one society has provided and ingrained in us. When we feel, we give ourselves the chance to explore and reach new depths. This prevents a state of reaction and strongly encourages a state of action. This removes the need to constantly work with the pain from the past to grow and evolve. There is freedom and oneness when setting foot in the field of now and welcoming the love that is all around.
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Many people know concepts in theory. They comprehend how to vocalize ideas, but very few know how to translate those thoughts into their environment. This causes distrust on a global level. This hypocrisy is not an individual error; it is a societal one. We have created a society that does not correspond to our fundamental needs. Therefore, we lack the tools to understand the intention behind our actions. Feeling our environment is interacting with the awareness of a moment; it is understanding our definition of success instead of the one society has provided and ingrained in us. When we feel, we give ourselves the chance to explore and reach new depths. This prevents a state of reaction and strongly encourages a state of action. This removes the need to constantly work with the pain from the past to grow and evolve. There is freedom and oneness when setting foot in the field of now and welcoming the love that is all around.

The Billion People Idea
48x 48 inches
For society the word different has a negative connotation. Being perceived as different is a threat to order. A threat to the path that ensures traditional structure. Amongst opposites lies a connection. Two worlds can always come together or collide. It is whether or not we are willing to devote our time. The unknown leaves room for curiosity. Our greatest threat is ignorance and our greatest strength is being open minded to the confrontation of our fears.
For society the word different has a negative connotation. Being perceived as different is a threat to order. A threat to the path that ensures traditional structure. Amongst opposites lies a connection. Two worlds can always come together or collide. It is whether or not we are willing to devote our time. The unknown leaves room for curiosity. Our greatest threat is ignorance and our greatest strength is being open minded to the confrontation of our fears.

18 x 24 inches
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Sound connects me to my surroundings,
grounds me but simultaneously turns me into liquid form.
It is an accumulation of vibrations that metamorphose me.
It channels my being into many realities.
It feels like magic;
I cannot see it,
touch it, but I certainly feel it.
It alters my mood,
my predisposition to the world.
When I listen to music, I must close my eyes.
I follow the circuit the composition takes within my blueprint.
I ask it to take my hand and show me its world.
For those few minutes, I hold on, flying through a melody that expands into my body.
I enter a great state of vulnerability.
It creates a moment where I am transparent, yet no inch of me can hide.
A quiet sense of royalty and pride;
I become a flux of energy,
one with sound - something quite profound.
I embody my creativity,
the reason Earth has created me.
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Sound connects me to my surroundings,
grounds me but simultaneously turns me into liquid form.
It is an accumulation of vibrations that metamorphose me.
It channels my being into many realities.
It feels like magic;
I cannot see it,
touch it, but I certainly feel it.
It alters my mood,
my predisposition to the world.
When I listen to music, I must close my eyes.
I follow the circuit the composition takes within my blueprint.
I ask it to take my hand and show me its world.
For those few minutes, I hold on, flying through a melody that expands into my body.
I enter a great state of vulnerability.
It creates a moment where I am transparent, yet no inch of me can hide.
A quiet sense of royalty and pride;
I become a flux of energy,
one with sound - something quite profound.
I embody my creativity,
the reason Earth has created me.

The Myth Of A Stranger
October 2024 - 54 x 38 inches
Medium: Acrylic paint
There is no such thing as a stranger.
As we are one,
Connected through consciousness we call love.
The language that binds us all together.
The one that feels all equally but recognizes the physical
disparity that society has created.
A fear that one feels is a fear the world suffers from.
Everything benefits from a fulfilled soul.
Everyone deserves love but we do not all have the same
tools to recognize it.
Medium: Acrylic paint
There is no such thing as a stranger.
As we are one,
Connected through consciousness we call love.
The language that binds us all together.
The one that feels all equally but recognizes the physical
disparity that society has created.
A fear that one feels is a fear the world suffers from.
Everything benefits from a fulfilled soul.
Everyone deserves love but we do not all have the same
tools to recognize it.

Too Can
18 x 24 inches
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
As I walked through the jungle, I felt the entire world within me. My ancestors fought to survive while relying on community. I climbed a tree 20 feet in the air, feeling the breeze and hearing the jungle roar through me. I was stripped of the separations that humans have created with nature. After all, we all have the same mother: Earth. I could feel her, and with the company of my senses, I could provide for her through action.
I have been asked what the appeal of survival is. My answer is: it doesn’t feel like surviving. It feels like flowing. In these moments, the connection between us and nature elevate, and trust dominates. The greatest communication comes from the soul instead of the interpretation of our five senses.
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
As I walked through the jungle, I felt the entire world within me. My ancestors fought to survive while relying on community. I climbed a tree 20 feet in the air, feeling the breeze and hearing the jungle roar through me. I was stripped of the separations that humans have created with nature. After all, we all have the same mother: Earth. I could feel her, and with the company of my senses, I could provide for her through action.
I have been asked what the appeal of survival is. My answer is: it doesn’t feel like surviving. It feels like flowing. In these moments, the connection between us and nature elevate, and trust dominates. The greatest communication comes from the soul instead of the interpretation of our five senses.

36 x 36 inches
Acrylic Paint
Are we internal or external interpreters? The answer is that we are both.
Our ego is simply reluctant to accept an opposing intellectual process. We consist of all thoughts on Earth, as that is our species' level of consciousness. There is no true margin or separation. We believe there is, due to the fear of opening our souls to the acceptance of the unknown.
The issue never lies in difference.
The issue arises when we refuse to accept another person’s stage in life. In these moments, we no longer speak to the world through love but rather through ego. When a subject is addressed with love, it remains an uplifting educational discussion for all. We are one. We simply have different ways of presenting love in our world, but our souls feel it the same
Acrylic Paint
Are we internal or external interpreters? The answer is that we are both.
Our ego is simply reluctant to accept an opposing intellectual process. We consist of all thoughts on Earth, as that is our species' level of consciousness. There is no true margin or separation. We believe there is, due to the fear of opening our souls to the acceptance of the unknown.
The issue never lies in difference.
The issue arises when we refuse to accept another person’s stage in life. In these moments, we no longer speak to the world through love but rather through ego. When a subject is addressed with love, it remains an uplifting educational discussion for all. We are one. We simply have different ways of presenting love in our world, but our souls feel it the same

From Nature to Robot, From Vulnerable to Absent
18 x 24 inches
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Statistics show that the world has never been so lonely.
We believe we can replace humans with technology.
We are suffering from losing touch with our feelings. This is to such an extent that we believe we can program empathy.
We no longer differentiate intention from outcome.
We want people to be malleable, but we do not want the system to be.
We are reaching a breaking point in humanity where the survival of our species depends on forgotten words: unity and community.
For life to occur, there needs to be love, and it is currently threatened by our incredibly high global levels of fear demonstrated through anger, power, and defeat.
20 x 28 inches black frame
Japanese K.Salago Paper and bulletpoint pen.
Statistics show that the world has never been so lonely.
We believe we can replace humans with technology.
We are suffering from losing touch with our feelings. This is to such an extent that we believe we can program empathy.
We no longer differentiate intention from outcome.
We want people to be malleable, but we do not want the system to be.
We are reaching a breaking point in humanity where the survival of our species depends on forgotten words: unity and community.
For life to occur, there needs to be love, and it is currently threatened by our incredibly high global levels of fear demonstrated through anger, power, and defeat.

Facial Illusion
36 x 48 inches
Acrylic and Spray Paint
Sensors in all corners.
I see you.
I feel you.
I will not judge,
I might not share the same physical reality as you,
the least I can do is respect you.
I am all.
We are not meant to be caged.
at times we are impatient,
others too patient.
That dos not make us one or the other.
Why do humans feel the need to
Acrylic and Spray Paint
Sensors in all corners.
I see you.
I feel you.
I will not judge,
I might not share the same physical reality as you,
the least I can do is respect you.
I am all.
We are not meant to be caged.
at times we are impatient,
others too patient.
That dos not make us one or the other.
Why do humans feel the need to